
Latest news, trends and insights.

Don’t be in the 80% of SME business that fall into these statics because they don’t have standalone Cyber Protection Insurance.



Estimated yearly cost of cybercrimes to Australian business.


48% Of Insurance Policies are NOT paid due to non-compliance


The average cost of a cyber attack to a small business.


Billion Breaches annually and growing

Join the 20% of SME business that have protection,


1300 RIGAIT (1300 744 248)

Click here for more info

Face of the Future

Facial recognition is no longer a thing of the future. It is now a common tool ...

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#JOURNEY delivers to Instant Windscreens

Last week, RIGA started its rollout of JOURNEY to the 130 strong Instant Windscreens workforce across ...

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#mybrand #myfamily #mylife

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I often forget about including the biggest and the most ...

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Amazing what we can achieve if we all work together!

For the past 3 months behind the scenes Layer 7 IT, which is an integral part ...

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Have you turned it off and on again?

A common joke about IT support is about the question “Have you tried turning it off ...

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PRODUCT LAUNCH – RIGA JOURNEY 5th April 2019 10:00AM EDT Miami, FLORIDA USA Retail Innovation Group ...

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What Is Customer Experience?

We often hear and toss around the term “customer experience,” but what exactly does it mean? ...

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B2B EXPO 2019 – come join us!

Come and say hello to the team at the Australian Business Forums Annual Expo 13-14th March ...

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5G and how it will benefit Retail

What is 5G networks? 5G networks are the next generation of mobile internet connectivity. It will ...

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YOUTUBE Channel is LIVE!!

RIGA are very excited to share with you our product videos, enhancing what you already know ...

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Qlik Associative Difference

  Associative Difference is a powerful tool that provide the user with an insight to the ...

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Retailers…..Please ask us for help!!!

Bricks and Mortar retailers are suffering with online competition and a tough Christmas trading period. 2 ...

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