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Don’t be in the 80% of SME business that fall into these statics because they don’t have standalone Cyber Protection Insurance.



Estimated yearly cost of cybercrimes to Australian business.


48% Of Insurance Policies are NOT paid due to non-compliance


The average cost of a cyber attack to a small business.


Billion Breaches annually and growing

Join the 20% of SME business that have protection,


1300 RIGAIT (1300 744 248)

Click here for more info

How Does Route Planning Software Help Businesses?

Are you a business looking to take back its time by introducing route planning software or ...

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The Importance of Employee Recognition

Why Employee Recognition is important It’s almost the end of 2022. Can you believe it? The ...

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Get Your Business Ready For The Holiday Season

Is your business prepared for the holiday season?  With the holiday and summer season right around ...

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How Do You Know When You Need Route Optimisation Software

How do you know when you need route optimization?  Are you spending hours every day planning ...

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.au Domain Namespaces Are Here

Australian Tech News Update Have you heard the latest in Australian tech news? As of March ...

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3 Reasons Why You Really Need a VoIP Phone System

No, a VoIP phone system isn’t some new robot-esque voice-controlled device you need to add to ...

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How to Protect Your Privacy and Data Online

It’s no secret that online privacy is a hot topic these days. With all of the ...

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How Route Optimisation Software Can Improve Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the core drivers of a successful business. Regardless of the sector ...

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Let’s Talk About Passwords

These days, it is rare to find someone who doesn’t use a password. In today’s computing ...

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Why Should I Use an Automated Job Scheduler?

    There’s always something to be done right? No to-do list ever really is completely ...

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Vibe Check: Boosting Company Culture in a WFH-World

  We all know what workplace culture is right? If lockdowns have taught us anything, it’s ...

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Top Tech Trends of 2021

The past year has been interesting. After an undeniably tough 2020, in 2021 we saw COVID-19 ...

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