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Don’t be in the 80% of SME business that fall into these statics because they don’t have standalone Cyber Protection Insurance.



Estimated yearly cost of cybercrimes to Australian business.


48% Of Insurance Policies are NOT paid due to non-compliance


The average cost of a cyber attack to a small business.


Billion Breaches annually and growing

Join the 20% of SME business that have protection,


1300 RIGAIT (1300 744 248)

Click here for more info

Thinking about automated job scheduling? Three reasons why you’re going to love it.

We admit that ‘love’ probably isn’t a word you’d think to use about job scheduling software. ...

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Cybersecurity, it’s so hot right now

The 2020-21 ACSC Annual Cyber Threat report is out, and as you’d expect, it’s not happy ...

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Putting a padlock on data security

Did you know it was Privacy Awareness Week last week? We shared a few tips on ...

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Employee Rewards. To do or not to do.

It’s reported that nearly a quarter of all workers will not return to the office fulltime. ...

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The hidden truths of job management

  How much is that job really costing you? Information is key. Key to both short-term ...

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Why leaky IoT devices mean you need workforce monitoring

A recent article from CSO highlighted again the need for workforce monitoring. As we settle into ...

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The challenge of unbillable hours

You’re searching for a workflow management software to make your life easier. Google throws up a ...

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Let’s talk about Mac Security

For many years there has been a relaxed attitude towards securing Mac’s as the perception was ...

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We feel you Victoria

Hey there Victorians! Well hasn’t it just been a little bit rubbish lately? As a Melbourne ...

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The challenge of securing your remote workers

In the last few months we’ve seen a number of ransomware attacks impacted high profile businesses. ...

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Cloud. It’s not automatically secure.

In a recent survey by Sophos, it was revealed that 74% of Australian businesses have suffered ...

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Visitor & guest sign-in for COVID compliance

As many of us start to venture out again, contact tracing is now an integral part ...

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